Hearthstone: The Great Dark Beyond (2024)
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DLC Hearthstone: The Great Dark Beyond (2024)

Дата выхода: 05 ноября 2024
Жанры Фэнтези, Стратегия, ТБС, Card & Board Game, Мультиплеер
Платформы PC, Mac, Android, iOS

Long ago, the distant planet Argus was attacked by the demonic Burning Legion. While most of Argus gave in to unholy promises of power, some brave souls escaped to the stars. These “exiled ones” now call themselves Draenei, and they need you to help them find a new home. Pilot your own Starship and explore the vastness between worlds in The Great Dark Beyond!

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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 05.11.2024
Mac 05.11.2024
Android 05.11.2024
iOS 05.11.2024



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