Hayato's Journey (2024)
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Hayato's Journey (2024)

Дата выхода: 27 июля 2024
Жанры История, Вид сбоку, Фэнтези, Платформер, Аркада, Экшен
Платформы PC, Sega MegaDrive

Hayato's Journey is a SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis homebrew game that works like an unofficial spiritual sucessor of Kenseiden, a cult-classic SEGA Master System game. Hayato's Journey is the first full SEGA Mega Drive / Genesis game powered by the Scorpion Engine by earok.


Hayato is the last descendent of the Great Hayato, a legendary member of the Dragon family that fight against the evil Warlock centuries ago. On this battle, Great Hayato recovered the 5 Secret Scrolls and the Sacred Sword of the Dragon King.

On this journey, the Evil Warlock called Yonensai, returned from the Demon World searching for vengeance annihilating the remaining Dragon family descendents. Hayato, equipped with the Sword of the Dragon King, cross the land dominated by Evil Entities, Warlocks and Wicked Beasts to revenge his master, killed by the Evil Warlock henchmen and also to save his beloved Sakura that was kidnaped by the Yonensai, the evil Warlock itself.

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Даты выхода

Sega Mega Drive / Genesis 27.07.2024





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