The game begins with Vetch (voiced by Steve Tarlow) receiving a transmission from his lieutenant, Overlord (Jason Gregory), who tells him a slave named Haven has been dreaming about the Golden Voice. Rather than kill Haven, Vetch decides to watch him, hoping to turn the situation to his own advantage. Meanwhile, in Virescent Village on the planet Ferra, Haven (Jake Rosewall-Gallagher) is completing his latest invention; a mechanical bird named Talon. Upon finishing, Haven heads to work in the mines. However, upon entering, he sees his friend Chess (Regan Kerwan) being questioned by a guard. The guard tries to shoot Haven, but misses, and causes the mine to collapse, knocking out Haven.
He awakens under the treatment of Dr. Spong (Andrew Silber), who tells him Chess hasn't been seen since the collapse. Setting out to find her, he eventually reaches Darkwater Castle, home of Overlord, who contacts Vetch to tell him Haven has infiltrated the castle, as they planned. Haven wat...