Gun Priest (2019)
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Gun Priest (2019)

Дата выхода: 21 января 2019
Жанры Вид сбоку, Аркада, Экшен
Платформы Android, iOS

Long ago, monsters went extinct by group of priest. However, surviving monsters, hiding in shadows, grew its force And began to feed upon mankind’s soul one by one. Noticing this unsettling movement, Priest is now gathering His friends to embark on his journey to end all monsters! New weapons and monsters, and it’s easy to control! Isn’t this the game we’ve all dreamt of?


Long ago, monsters went extinct by group of priest.
However, surviving monsters, hiding in shadows, grew its force
And began to feed upon mankind’s soul one by one.

Noticing this unsettling movement, Priest is now gathering
His friends to embark on his journey to end all monsters!


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

iOS 30.01.2019
Android 21.01.2019



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