Gold Rush (1982)
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Gold Rush (1982)

Дата выхода: 31 декабря 1982
Жанры Аркада, Экшен, Вид сверху
Платформы Apple][

Gold Rush is a 1-player wild west themed arcade game for the Apple II. The player controls a small character who can move in the 4 cardinal directions. The player moves about a small wild west-themed screen, with the goal of excavating gold from the four mines on the left of the screen. The player arrives via railroad at the right of the screen at the beginning of the game, with the goal is to pick up sticks of dynamite, and place them next to the four mine shafts on the left. The player must a... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Apple II 31.12.1982



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