7.0 Gateway to the Savage Frontier (1991)
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Gateway to the Savage Frontier (1991)

As the story opens, you and your companions are celebrating in triumph. The caravan you've been guarding has just completed its dangerous passage to the trading town of Yartar. But the realms are full of danger and there is tension in the air. Great armies are on the move, and the relative peace of recent times will soon be shattered. Your party becomes a problem to the evil forces whose plans lie behind the current troubles. Only by the swiftness of your sword--on land and water--will you live... развернуть


The game revolves around a standard (for Gold Box adventures) party of six adventurers who inadvertently get caught up in a plot by the Zhentarim to conquer the entire Frontier area.

The storyline, in rough terms, follows:

The party starts off in Yartar, having just escorted a caravan from the dwarven stronghold Citadel Adbar (ruled by the dwarf king Harbromm). At the tavern, while the party is enjoying the feast and spirits, something is slipped into their food that causes them to pass out, and they are robbed of all gold and gear, especially the magic longsword that one member used to slay a griffon at Longsaddle. Fortunately, each character keeps a purse of coins under their pillow so they can buy armour and weapons.
Through rescuing the NPC Krevish, the party being hired by the Kraken in Yartar to assassinate a cleric of Bane at Nesme, only to discover that this evil priest was the only individual standing in the way of the conquest.
Rescuing t... развернуть


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Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 29.03.2022
Amiga 31.12.1992
DOS 31.12.1991


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