Reimu Hakurei and Rinnosuke Morichika are spending their times at Kourindou in a rainy day. They are just talking to each other in Kourindou when something weird happens. The Gold Sphere that Rinnosuke is holding is reacting in some kind of strange power. Reimu looks at it and is now cursed by the Gold Sphere. Reimu walks up to Rinnosuke and tries to steal the Gold Sphere from him. Rinnosuke was surprised and tries to keep the Gold Sphere away from Reimu. When Reimu is back to normal, she is still tries to steal the Gold Sphere from Rinnosuke when the Gold Sphere is getting brighter. After the lightning struck near Kourindou, the Gold Sphere jumped off of Rinnosuke's hand and rolled onto the ground. Rinnosuke pushes Reimu and run towards the Gold Sphere, and the Gold Sphere starts unleashing the strange power in front of Rinnosuke and turns the sky back to sunny. Reimu is asking Rinnosuke if he is alright, but the strange power was actually the dark power, and Rinnosuke was actually po...