6.5 Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)
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Final Fantasy X-2 (2003)

FFX2 / Final Fantasy 10-2 / Final Fantasy X-2 International / Final Fantasy X-2 International + Last Mission / Final Fantasy 10-2 International + Last Mission / FF10-2

Final Fantasy X-2 является прямым продолжением Final Fantasy X, разработанным и изданным Square Enix. Это была первая игра с прямым продолжением в серии Final Fantasy и первая, в которой играли исключительно женщины. Он также вернулся к системе заданий, которую не видели в основной серии со времен Final Fantasy V. В игре используется система классов персонажей, где экипированная дресс-сфера определяет ее способности и статистику. Участники группы могут переключаться на любую дресс-сферу в своей... развернуть


The game takes place in Spira during the Eternal Calm, two years after Final Fantasy X. It continues the story of Yuna, who has become a sphere hunter and a member of the sphere hunting group, the Gullwings, with Rikku and Paine. Yuna hunts for spheres to find clues about a mysterious man who looks like her lost love Tidus. However, she becomes entangled in political turmoil the Gullwings must resolve to prevent a war, uncovering a plot to destroy Spira with a secret weapon from its ancient past.


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Даты выхода

PlayStation 2 20.02.2004


asian style souls магия sword grinding minigames health ultima turn-based summoning военные fire fashion romance mythology female protagonist role playing action-adventure micromanagement multiple protagonists backtracking time limit несколько (множество) концовок apocalypse artificial intelligence open-world dialogue trees sacrifice spin-off easter egg job system sequel mushroom dreams sword & sorcery alchemy битвы с боссами explosion single-player only female protagonists anthropomorphism episodic content attributes rivaling factions alternate costumes customizable characters voice acting polygonal 3d sexualized women licensed soundtrack party system full motion video original soundtrack release pregnancy save point treasure chest saving the world side quests branching story line potion melee male antagonist active time battle depression healer been here before motion capture animation interquel particle system dimension travel plot twist cutscene pause tech trees teenager androgyny ancient advanced civilization technology in-engine cinematic ambient music fan service new protagonist in sequel flashback heterochromia finishing move button mashing poison victory music scripted events random encounter new game plus dual wielding cutscene menu fast travel battle screen context sensitive airship status effects fictional currencies tragic hero potential love interest war veterans j-pop plane shifting reluctant hero greatest hits white magic class change armageddon passive ability metagame damage over time kill quest pom-pom international version e3 2003 localized soundtrack soft reset

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