8.8 Final Fantasy IX (2000)
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Final Fantasy IX (2000)

FF9 / Final Fantasy 9 / FFIX

Final Fantasy IX is the ninth main installment in the FF series. The title is a return to the series's roots, with gameplay features and references to the past games featuring throughout, as well as a medieval fantasy setting and cartoonish art style as a break from the sci-fi slant style of Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII.


Действие игры происходит на планете Гайя, и вор Зидан Трибал, член воровской труппы, получает задание похитить принцессу Александрии Гарнет Тил Александрос XVII. Вместе с ней он объединяется с союзниками, чтобы помешать королеве Бране и ее союзнику Кудже развязать войну с армией черных магов.


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PlayStation 3 15.06.2010
PlayStation Portable 15.06.2010
PlayStation Vita 15.06.2010
PlayStation 13.11.2000
pirates asian style аниме магия sword grinding minigames health ultima turn-based rpg summoning jrpg смерть chimera fire frog romance steampunk role playing kaiju multiple protagonists overworld party-based combat backtracking time limit reading artificial intelligence playstation open-world dialogue trees sacrifice atmospheric инвентарь amnesia easter egg sequel good soundtrack heavy metal bats sword & sorcery spear company card game битвы с боссами shuriken explosion боссы mounts онлайн anthropomorphism card based combat attributes clowns повышение уровня (прокачка) world map human polygonal 3d psone classics shopping loot gathering licensed soundtrack party system full motion video original soundtrack release motion blur non-player character profanity card collection save point treasure chest side quests royalty questing potion melee blindness male antagonist stat tracking unbeatable enemy betrayal optional boss rock music active time battle mercenary playstation tv support coming of age floating island planet jumping interactive environments healer been here before level cap item combination particle system speedrun plot twist quick time event e3 2000 power of friendship mana not-so-bad guys teenager androgyny camping ambient music new protagonist in sequel flashback finishing move poison victory music scripted events random encounter fire manipulation dual wielding working for the enemy basilisks battle screen context sensitive airship disc streaming playable boss restoration status effects black magic phoenix bad parents two-handed weapons fictional currencies nobilitease god complex tragic hero potential love interest false death war veterans dark past j-pop pre-rendered backgrounds reluctant hero retroactive achievements real-time over pre-rendered movies adamantium greatest hits white magic gender exclusive equipment armageddon metagame damage over time planet destruction kill quest pom-pom tragic villain ship deck battle revenge meter e3 1999 localized soundtrack soft reset playstation underground interactive achievement awards 2001 male protagonist

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