In Interlude, players take control of Cecil. The story begins at Baron Castle after Cecil has a dream about one of the Crystal Chambers, where he sees Rydia and hears a voice saying "Finally, it has a new form." Just as the voice is about to reveal itself, Rosa wakes him. Cecil and Rosa set off on one of the Red Wings airships for Damcyan. Meanwhile, at the Feymarch, Rydia is about to leave when she is confronted by Asura, Queen of the Feymarch, who asks her where she is going. Rydia tells her she is headed to Damcyan for its reconstruction celebration, and Asura lets her pass.
While at the celebration, a guard enters and tells Yang that some monks have been brutally attacked at Mt. Hobbs. Hearing this, Yang decides to leave, and Cecil and Rosa volunteer to join him. When they get to the summit of Mt. Hobbs, they find two injured monks, whom Rosa heals. Soon after, they are attacked by a Dad Bomb. When they defeat the Dad Bomb they head to Fabul where Yang's wife Sheila is...