Fallout: Sonora (2020)
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Fallout: Sonora (2020)

Дата выхода: 20 марта 2020
Жанры РПГ, Вид сверху
Платформы PC

Fallout: Sonora is a total conversion mod for Fallout 2, featuring a wholly new campaign, taking place after the events of the first game, in the area around the titular Sonoran Desert.


The year is 2167, six years after the Vault Dweller defeated the Master. You are a peasant living in a small self-sustaining community in the Sonoran Wasteland called the Villa. One day, it is attacked by raiders and most of your friends and relatives are taken away to somewhere. It is now up to you to rescue your fellow villagers and to find out the deeper implications behind this event, both for the Villa and for the Sonoran Wasteland at large.


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

PC (Microsoft Windows) 20.03.2020



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