Parthoris is ablaze - ravaged by an invasion of unholy beasts it was not prepared for. The gulf between the once-distant realms of Parthoris and Cronos has all but disappeared as dark portals continue to open across your homeland, and vast hordes of the undead and their cohorts from beyond Hell's Maw spill forth, slaughtering mercilessly in their bid to find you and exact their vengeance upon the Faithless One.
You have already brought ruin to the first major guardian in your way - the fearsome Iron Sentinel and its army of liches - but this has enraged your pursuers further. You now face the treacherous labyrinthine grounds of the Iron Fortress - a sprawling breeding ground for unholy knights, malevolent magicians, and terrifying beasts pulled from the underworld's deepest recesses. This vast mountaintop fort is steeped in a dark aura of demonic possession that now reaches far across the realm, corrupting the earth and its citizens beneath. Beyond this foul structure, who...