7.1 EverQuest (1999)
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EverQuest (1999)

EverQuest - это многопользовательская ролевая онлайн-игра в жанре 3D фэнтези (MMORPG), выпущенная 16 марта 1999 года. Игроки перемещают своего персонажа по средневековому фэнтезийному миру Норрат, часто сражаясь с монстрами и врагами за сокровища и очки опыта, а также необязательно осваивая торговые навыки. По мере прохождения игроки повышают уровень, набирая силу, престиж, заклинания и способности благодаря доблестным поступкам, таким как проникновение в захваченные замки и крепости, победа на... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты

Даты выхода

Mac 24.06.2003
PC (Microsoft Windows) 28.04.2000


pirates призраки assassin martial arts hunting робот эксплоринг (исследование) динозавры orcs bloody стелс wizards disease training vampire убийство магия sword grinding spellbook organized crime health dragons guild shark artifact halo summoning fishing крафтинг смерть военные elves fire egg mummy archery gambling ufo jewel cooking candy fashion pets romance mmorpg mythology hand-to-hand combat bridge роботы insanity religion farming война classic стим (steam) fairy bird nightmare нежить онлайн traps artificial intelligence sacrifice sailing conspiracy revenge dancing снег wolf snakes torture tank mud slavery racism dice dog телепортация economy billiards dwarves resurrection good vs evil плавание bats day/night cycle giants cult alchemy turtle warriors gods meditation trolls mosquito битвы с боссами trainer ogres necromancy anthropomorphism throwing weapons game critics awards rhinoceros spider attributes rivaling factions playing cards customizable characters customization повышение уровня (прокачка) character select screen gorilla human polygonal 3d shopping bow upgradeable weapons loot gathering goblins скелеты rat party system werewolves lions turkey active ability wasd movement non-player character corpse centaurs polar bear leopard panthers bards minotaurs escort mission falling damage treasure chest character creation alligators moral decisions side quests pick your gender duel sabotage questing potion player vs player player vs environment melee auto-saving real-time combat useable vehicles underwater gameplay a.i. companion blindness stat tracking instant kill secret area invisible enemy betrayal walking through walls optional boss parrying animal companions spellcaster multiple gameplay perspectives inconvenient malfunction respawn mercenary robbery floating island bread moving platforms banned law commerce atheism bribery smuggler theft real-time waiting healer level cap invisible wall item combination hotkey shape-shifting suicide tentacles controversy disorientation temporary invincibility never-ending merchants chessboard multiple enemy boss fight particle system summoners stealth kill camera control beetles e3 2000 fetch quests poverty mana super speed villain turned good rivals planet regenerating health griefing camping levitation book adaptation ambient music poison invisibility scripted events fire manipulation paladins drawbridge gnomes pickpocketing crime fighting dual wielding lock picking fireworks basilisks optional lore severed limbs barbarians musicians monster capturing cockroach heal over time optional objective text chat status effects ghoul dark elves invented language moving bodies sphinxes berserkers swarming enemies behind the waterfall movement penalty two-handed weapons moat hidden room prostitution bartender persistent world shaman boar tribe pickpocketing anatomy raid bounty hunting crowd control corruption graphics overhaul supply and demand adamantium armadillo conjuration rangers geomancer illusion passive ability vampirism pay-to-play damage over time tactician power leveling no game pause foraging framing kill quest danger zone amphibian humanoid tarantulas level by doing lunar cycle dragon kill points custom ui platinum phylactery interactive achievement awards 2000 neutral e3 1998 nocturnality dinosaur riding

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