Set in Temeris, a world full of life and magic. Mana flows freely, even within its inhabitants, enabling them to utilize the power of all the elements around them. The primary elements which govern the day to day aspects of life and all things good, coupled with the revered and mighty cosmic elements that control the quintessential aspects of existence, enrich their everyday lives. Mankind was able to live peacefully under the First Gods, the very beings created by the Heavenly Emissaries, who created and formed the mighty seven nations we know of today.
Temeris flourished under the harmonious relationships between First Gods and their creations for centuries until each nation and their respective gods had their disagreements. The balance of things soon came asunder as mankind rebelled against the First Gods. Ultimately this leads to the First Gods leaving their creations behind. Thus as mankind liberated themselves from their influence, they seek to forge their own path a...