Zork is one of the earliest interactive fiction computer games, with roots drawn from the original genre game, Colossal Cave Adventure. The first version of Zork was written in 197...
Planetfall is a science fiction interactive fiction computer game written by Steve Meretzky, and the eighth title published by Infocom in 1983. Like most Infocom games, thanks to t...
The AFGNCAAP begins in the Barrow from Zork I armed only with the trusty brass lantern and sword of elvish antiquity. The purpose of the game is not initially clear. The Wizard of...
A Mind Forever Voyaging (AMFV) is a 1985 interactive fiction game, intended as a polemical critique of Ronald Reagan's politics.
The Lost Treasures of Infocom II is a collection of text adventure games from interactive fiction pioneer Infocom, published by Activision in 1992. It was available for MS-DOS and...