Sonic Before the Sequel (abbreviated Sonic BTS) is a fan game created by LakeFeperd that is meant to explain the events that may have taken place between Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and S...
Sonic Chrono Adventure is the last in LakeFeperd's series of Sonic fangames made in Sonic Worlds, an engine built within Multimedia Fusion 2. It was developed at a time After The S...
Sonic: After the Sequel (abbreviated Sonic ATS), is a fan game created by LakeFeperd that is meant to explain the events that may have taken place between Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and...
Sonic Before the Sequel Aftermath is a short fangame combining traditional Classic Sonic gameplay with the exploration found in the Metroidvania genre. This game is often considere...
Sonic Advance Revamped is a remake and reimagining of the original Sonic Advance on the GBA using the Sonic Worlds Delta engine; it's a passion project designed to be the definitiv...
Sonic Tameshi is a Classic Sonic Fan Game created on the Sonic Worlds engine. The game's story follows Sonic after he finds out about Dr Eggman's new plan to extract all the natur...
Emerald Ties is an upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog fan game that features classic gameplay with a modern aesthetic.