A group of friends unknowingly perform an occult ritual that traps them in an otherworldly elementary school. Here, the vengeful spirits of young children threaten their lives and...
Shuujin he no Pert-em-Hru is a Japanese freeware role-playing video game created with RPG Maker Dante 98 II, by Makoto Yaotani. Pert-em-Hru refers to the Egyptian Book of the Dead,...
Azusa 999 is an RPG Maker adventure game developed in 1997 for the classic Japanese PC-98 personal computer. It's a heavy emotional story about suicide and an otherworldly train… a...
Peret em Heru: For the Prisoners is a Survival Horror RPG set in Egypt in 1998, the same year it was released. The story follows Ayuto Asaki, a recent high school graduate who's vi...