Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - The Contempt of Court is a fangame based on the Ace Attorney series. Created across eight years, the game features various four original cases in the...
Two unlikely lawyers step into the ring. Whose logic will reign supreme? An Ace Attorney fan game starring Battler Ushiromiya and Beatrice, the Golden Witch. As your client'...
Apollo Justice Turnabout Substitution is a fancase developed for PyWright. The game is set shortly after Turnabout Succession and was intended to act as a fifth case to the origin...
This game takes place a year and a half after the events of Apollo Justice. Phoenix has retaken the bar exam and gotten his attorney's badge back. With his former assistant, Maya F...
Set between Ace Attorney: Justice for All and Trails and Tribulations. In Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney ‘Trials after Justice’ Phoenix and Maya continue to help those in need by defe...
After a young law student named Argus Hakan ends up defending in a trial on his mentor's behalf, he is thrust into a series of cases the following week, all involving various crime...
The award show has come to town and they are prepared to give awards made of rare gold to the best lawyer in Los Angeles. After debate, they narrowed the candidates for the award d...
A Pywright Adaption of the Phoenix Wright But Plotagon Youtube series.
Taking place several months after the events of Spirit of Justice, Phoenix finds himself alone when he takes a rather strange -- and extremely hopeless case. With an uncooperative...
Apollo returns from his trials abroad to attend Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth's 5 Year anniversary project. Only to find his mentor, and dear friend Phoenix Wright murdered. With an o...
Phoenix Wright has just returned to England after an exhausting adventure in the town of Labyrinthia and is ready to relax for the rest of his stay. However, he soon gets involved...
Taking place two years after the events of Turnabout Succession, Apollo has been living the good life. Well, as good as you can get, considering his boss is as eccentric piano-play...
Casey Taylor: Ace Attorney is set around 20 years after Spirit of Justice, and it is a story about a recently graduated attorney who had just founded his own law firm with his gran...
A Pokemon X Ace Attorney crossover fangame.
Follow Mia Fey, the original Turnabout Lawyer, as she uncovers the secrets of DL-6. Murder after murder, incident after incident, Mia Fey is one step closer to the the truth about...
Two young rookies face off against each other in the courtroom, both on their first case, and both familiar with each other. What starts off as a simple case of murder, soon become...