Prey tells the story of Tommy, a Cherokee garage mechanic stuck on a reservation going nowhere. Abducted along with his people to a menacing mothership orbiting Earth, he sets out...
Brink is an immersive first-person shooter that blends single-player, co-op, and multiplayer gameplay into one seamless experience, allowing you to develop your character whether p...
Wolfenstein - это прямое продолжение Return to Castle Wolfenstein и Spear of Destiny / Wolfenstein RPG. На нем был изображен переосмысленный переодетый темноволосый Би Джей Блазови...
Массовое вторжение демонов захлестнуло исследовательский центр марсианской корпорации Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC), оставив после себя только хаос и ужас. Как один из немногих...
Quake 4 - это экшн-шутер, который служит еще одной главой в серии Quake.
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - видеоигра-шутер от первого лица, разработанная Splash Damage и изданная Activision для Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, PlayStation 3 и Xbox 360. П...
Quadrilateral Cowboy - это одиночное приключение в мире киберпанка. Осторожно пройдите через системы безопасности с вашей хакерской колодой и оборудованием серого рынка. С таким пе...
Hard Corps is the remastered Dhewm 3 update to the Doom 3 mod HardQore2. Hard Corps brings fast-paced, 2.5D side-scrolling action to Doom3. Take on the Forces of Hell in this homag...
Last Man Standing is a Doom 3 Coop Mod that aims to bring back the feel of the classic Dooms. Our LMS Mod gametype is survival in nature where you face swarms of attacking monsters...
Based on the BFG Edition, this release features enhanced graphics, better audio with more horror effects, a checkpoint save system, and support for 3D displays and HMDs. The game a...
This mod is more of a loose reinterpretation of the Alien and Predator films rather than an accurate adaptation of Prometheus.
The demons have taken over Christmas and it's your job to stop them.
After starring in the successful Fly Hard action movie trilogy, you retired to a small cabin in the woods. You grew comfortable in the quiet life you had created. Soon, you also gr...
The Classic Doom 3 modification is a remake of the original Doom game, by id Software. The main emphesis is that of brining the older game up to date in a modern graphics engine. T...
Skin Deep is an immersive first-person shooter. We got sneezing. We got things getting stuck in your feet. Stalk through a vast non-linear starship and sneak, subvert, and sabotage...
The BFG Edition features enhanced graphics, better audio with more horror effects, a checkpoint save system, and support for 3D displays and HMDs. The game also includes the previo...
Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil (commonly abbreviated to as RoE) is an expansion pack for Doom 3 developed by Nerve Software and id Software and released on April 4, 2005. The PC vers...
Last Man Standing is a Doom 3 Coop Mod that aims to bring back the feel of the classic Dooms. Our LMS Mod gametype is survival in nature where you face swarms of attacking monsters...