Return to the spectacular origin of the acclaimed Journeyman Project series in this director's cut remake. Get primed for time travel as Agent 5, in a desperate mission to stop a m...
Halloween Night II is a 1989-1991 children's game by BugByte Inc. for Macintosh. On Halloween night, monsters knock at your door looking for candy. You hand them candy, cheer them...
You can't win in this court. The kangaroo is the judge and you have to bribe it. Supposedly an experiment in artificial intelligence. The AI opponent in this HyperCard game is a c...
This is a recreation of P.T. done in the HyperCard software. Some stuff is stripped back, some stuff is added; you'll just have to play to find out.
HyperCard point and click game where you open the door to Halloween costumed monsters and give them candy.