Arm Joe, also known as ArmJoe, is a fighting game based on the novel and musical Les Misérables, made in a fighting game engine maker by ASCII: Tsukuru series Fighter Maker, by Tak...
Crimson Alive: Genesis of the Heretic is a freeware 2D competitive fighting game made by doujin circle Keropyon and exclusively released for Microsoft Windows in 2003. It is also t...
Pokémon: Type Wild is a fan made fighting game made by former animators of the Pokémon Anime. The game consist of nine Pokémon, each with their own move-set. These Pokémon are: Gen...
Muscle Fight is a free competitive fighting game released in 1999 by Matayan. Based on the Yudetamago manga Kinnikuman, created using Enterbrain's (formerly ASCII) software 2D Figh...
A Fast Paced, 2D Pokémon Fighting Fangame, where you duke it out in local or online matches as your favorite fighting type Pokémon from across the series!