8.9 EarthBound (1994)
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EarthBound (1994)

Пошаговая JRPG и продолжение тогдашней японской игры Earthbound Beginnings (1989), в которой Несс, маленький мальчик, живущий в стране, основанной на США, покидает дом, чтобы отправиться в приключение по странным локациям, познакомиться с причудливыми персонажами и победить непостижимую инопланетную угрозу по имени Гийгас, сталкиваясь вплоть до реалий взросления и знакомства с реальным миром.


The story begins when Ness is awakened by a meteor that has plummeted to the earth near his home, whereupon he proceeds to investigate the crash site. When Ness gets to the crash site he discovers a police roadblock and Pokey Minch, his friend and neighbor, who tells him to go home. Later, Ness is woken up again by Pokey knocking at his door, demanding help to find his brother Picky.

They find him near the meteor sleeping behind a tree and wake him up. Then the three encounter an insect from the meteor named Buzz Buzz who informs Ness that he is from the future where the "universal cosmic destroyer", Giygas, dominates the planet. Buzz Buzz senses great potential in Ness and instructs him to embark on a journey to seek out and record the melodies of eight "sanctuaries," unite his own powers with the Earth's and gain the strength required to confront Giygas.


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Даты выхода

Nintendo Switch 09.02.2022
New Nintendo 3DS 23.03.2016
Wii U 17.07.2013
Super Nintendo Entertainment System 05.06.1995
Super Famicom 27.08.1994


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