6.9 Dungeons of Dredmor (2011)
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Dungeons of Dredmor (2011)

Дата выхода: 13 июля 2011
Жанры РПГ, Фэнтези, От 3-го лица, ТБС, Инди, Экшен, Комедия, Вид сверху
Платформы Linux, PC, Mac

Игры, похожие на рогалики, возвращаются! участвуйте в этом удивительном приключении в качестве мальчика или девочки с гигантскими бровями, ваша задача - победить лорда Дредмора и спасти королевство от сил тьмы! Каждый уровень представляет собой случайно сгенерированный этаж, состоящий из взаимосвязанных комнат, заполненных монстрами, ловушками, добычей и различными предметами. Игра основана на поворотах и имеет огромное дерево навыков! вы можете комбинировать 7 различных навыков, чтобы создавать... развернуть


Long ago, the Dark Lord Dredmor was bound in the darkest dungeons beneath the earth by great and mighty heroes. Centuries later, the magical bonds that hold him in place are loosening and his power grows ever stronger. The land cries out for a new hero, a powerful warrior or a mystic wizard like those spoken of in the prophecies of yore.

What they have, unfortunately, is you...

Step into the Dungeons of Dredmor! Embrace your destiny! Face evil of the likes the world has never known - the terrifying Swarmies, the undulating Thrusties, and the adorable nest-building Diggles. Worship Inconsequentia, the Goddess of Pointless Side Quests, or try your luck as a devotee of the nameless Lutefisk God. Cast powerful magic learned from the dark business warlocks of the school of Necronomiconomics, or summon the Viking Runes of your ancestors to blast your foes with thunder and lightning! Discover the power that can be had by wielding a bizarre armament of devastating wea... развернуть


Скриншоты и арты


pirates baseball робот bloody wizards medieval магия sword grinding lawyer spellbook health dragons parody turn-based roguelike summoning крафтинг смерть роботы процедурная генерация fire egg dungeon crawl steampunk math role playing вода стим (steam) bird viking ачивки (достижения) reading нежить traps point and click steam trading cards rock dungeon crawling инвентарь ball grid-based movement телепортация love mushroom high score arrow bats glitch permadeath alchemy warriors gods one-man army explosion стим (steam) ачивки digital distribution steam leaderboards anthropomorphism genie throwing weapons attributes customizable characters customization steam workshop повышение уровня (прокачка) voice acting top-down perspective shopping skill points bow upgradeable weapons loot gathering pop culture reference game reference randomly generated dungeons origin humble bundle non-player character homage box art bards treasure chest side quests titular antagonist potion melee auto-saving a.i. companion invisible enemy difficulty level spellcaster internet culture reference fake glitch movie reference steam play vending machine rpg elements randomly generated maps video game characters that play video games bread communism nuclear bomb punctuation mark above head dart consolation achievements hotkey difficulty achievement tentacles skill tree merchants color blind assist quest tracking banter during gameplay weapon modification invisibility fire manipulation aggressive door-opening dual wielding lock picking propaganda sleeping enemies workbench pax prime 2012 status effects berserkers swarming enemies archeology battle mage shaman fictional currencies reciting movie lines environment as weapons psychics objectivism vampirism fury male protagonist suggestive themes

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