The worlds of DreamHack Online are fantastical worlds where everything is possible.
They are colorful spaces of unexpected interactions, curious exploration, and limitless creativity - a
strange place to wonder and wander.
Nevertheless, they are still connected through the overall world building: All worlds of DreamHack
exist inside the dreams of mighty old creatures, called the Sleepers. Each Sleeper can represent a
topic, exhibition area, or season of DreamHack. Each dream world has a distinct visual theme and all
items and interactions correspond with it. The dreams of the Sleepers form an interconnected
network that can be freely explored, expanded, and changed over time.
The Sleepers exist in a space-like dimension (the Void, the Source, the Singularity). This area
functions as the games hub area and starting point. To enter the dreams of the Sleepers, they have
to pass the DreamKeeper, a creature that only lets you pass,...