The game begins with a surreal sequence, wherein an unknown party asks the player “What do you remember about that day?” The player is given several dialogue choices that build a cohesive description of "that day", though at this time, the player is not aware of the event's importance (or even occurrence). Before the game properly begins, the player is asked to draw an image depicting this mysterious scene, introducing them to the game's core "draw" functionality.
Following this is an animation sequence wherein one of the characters from the previous game, Heather, recovers from a nightmare. She is shown to possess a red-colored jewel pendant. In the same sequence, Heather is abducted by a darkness which emanated from a scepter she discovered in a beached treasure chest in the middle of the night. The next morning, when the other characters realize she's missing, a search for her is dramatically cut short by Wilfre, who causes the majority of the Raposa villagers to vanish...