Dragon Quest VII tells the story of a young hero, the son of a prominent fisherman in the village of Pilchard Bay on Estard Island, the only landmass in the world, and his friends in a fantastical, medieval-like world. They set out on adventures through the world's past and learn about its history. Upon discovering different lands in the past and solving the troubles, they reappear in the game's present-day map.
The party begins their adventure when the hero and Kiefer discover a mysterious fragment of a map that the former's father brings home from a fishing trip. Further investigations lead the hero to discover that the world he lives on, which seems to consist of only his small island, used to contain many continents that have somehow been sealed away. By placing other stone fragments found throughout the journey on pedestals in Estard's ruins, the Hero and his friends are sent to different lands in the past which the party eventually realizes. Once they solve the probl...