Dragon of Calon Valley (2024)
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Dragon of Calon Valley (2024)

Дата выхода: 29 ноября 2024
Жанры Эротика, Фэнтези, От 1-го лица, Новелла, Комедия, Мистика
Платформы Linux, PC, Mac, Android

You get a new job in your grandparents old town, they left you their house, and you're meeting beautiful women at every turn...Nothing could possibly go wrong...right? Except, it does. Sudden painful, debilitating headaches and getting stabbed in the chest by a would-be assassin are hardly a normal first couple of days on the job. All the while, your necklace which you've had since your childhood, seems to be acting strangely... Discover who tried to murder you and stop them from hurting anyon... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Linux 29.11.2024
PC (Microsoft Windows) 29.11.2024
Mac 29.11.2024
Android 29.11.2024



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