The International Space Agency (INSA) has made a chilling discovery. In 6 months, 14 days, 2 hours and 47 seconds, the world will end. An enigmatic cosmic entity, dubbed by scientists as the "Dark Doodad," is on a cosmic rampage, devouring stars at the farthest reaches of the universe. Even worse, now its hungry gaze is set on our solar system. Despite numerous efforts to divert its path, all have failed. Humanity teeters on the brink of annihilation...
However, humanity refuses to go down without a fight. Dr. Gumphrey Finklestein, a distinguished scientist at INSA, has devised a daring plan to change fate – "The Marvelous Room Experiment." Within a 10m x 8m x 5m chamber lies humanity's last hope to thwart the Dark Doodad.