8.6 Donkey Kong Country (1994)
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Donkey Kong Country (1994)


Donkey Kong Country - платформер с боковой прокруткой, созданный британскими разработчиками Rare в 1994 году. Она отличалась революционной предварительно отрисованной 3D-графикой, которая придавала игре совершенно уникальный вид по сравнению с большинством других игр на консолях того времени. Два игровых персонажа, представленных в игре, - это титульный персонаж Донки Конг и его племянник Дидди Конг. Вместе они качаются, карабкаются, прыгают, плавают, катаются на тележках, ездят верхом на животн... развернуть


On a dark and stormy night in Donkey Kong Island, Diddy Kong, Donkey Kong's nephew has taken the weighty responsibility of guarding DK's precious banana hoard for one night, as a part of his "hero training". DK entrusts Diddy with protecting the hoard until midnight, when he would be relieved, while DK himself goes to sleep as he is tired.

Everything seems to go smoothly in the hoard until Diddy hears some noises. Diddy hears some voices outside and gets scared, asking who's there. King K. Rool, who had commanded his Kremling minions to steal the bananas. Two ropes drop from above and suddenly two Kritters appear. Diddy cartwheels them both easily, but then a Krusha (Klump in the instruction booklet) comes in as backup. As Diddy is not strong enough to defeat Krusha by himself, he is overpowered and defeated by the Kremling. The lizars seal Diddy inside a barrel and then throw it in the bushes.
Donkey's grandfather, Cranky Kong, rushes inside the treehouse to tell Do... развернуть


Даты выхода

New Nintendo 3DS 24.03.2016
Wii U 16.10.2014
Wii 07.12.2006
Super Nintendo Entertainment System 01.10.1997
Super Famicom 26.11.1994


гравитация смерть 2.5d fire frog cannon flight bridge side-scrolling вода animal-based multiple protagonists overworld jungle sharks spin-off снег snakes платформер giant insects high score talking animals silent protagonist плавание цветы glitch donkey kong bee darkness битвы с боссами tree боссы mounts digital distribution rail track anthropomorphism bonus stage monkeys flying enemies animal protagonists throwing weapons vine cape rhinoceros nintendo power world map palette swap gorilla self-advertisement shark protagonist's name in the title crocodilians breaking the fourth wall collectibles sequel is in a different genre virtual console original soundtrack release descendants of other characters save point ice stage checkpoints unstable platforms real-time combat underwater gameplay instant kill secret area level select map animal companions fuel management moving platforms recurring boss jellyfish water level franchise reboot auto-scrolling levels western games based on japanese ips speedrun boss assistance not-so-bad guys villain turned good over 100% completion mine cart sequence monarchy ambient music resized enemy adapted into television on-the-fly character switching trilogy ape cliffhanger fictional currencies secret areas within secret areas false death pre-rendered backgrounds greatest hits armadillo animal weaponry buddy system promo vhs e3 2003 retroachievements diddy kong cranky kong (donkey kong) nintendo gateway system wii virtual console nintendo 3ds virtual console wii u virtual console tropical

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