Smack-A-Bug - a simple adaptation of the arcade game Whac-A-Mole, typing the lettered bugs as they pop up causes Pumbaa to shoot them with his pea-shooter. Provides practice in finger placement and home row technique
Savannah Water and Power - fill up a water tank for the thirsty pair by typing words as quickly as they appear in this Rube Goldberg-esque assembly. This exercise works on the player's accuracy
Grub Getaway - help Timon and Pumbaa find bugs around the rocks by typing words nearby; this provides more practice in typing phrases with accuracy
Carnivore Cave - type sentences to move Timon and Pumbaa through a maze ahead of hungry hyenas, practising speed and accuracy
Traveler's Tales - type paragraphs and edit mistakes to help Timon and Pumbaa move along on their adventure