Добро пожаловать в Bad End Theater! Выберите своего главного героя и исследуйте множество ужасных судеб! Решения, которые вы принимаете в одной истории, повлияют на другие. вы може...
Что такое НЕКОПАРА? Да ведь это кошачий рай! Кашоу Минадуки, сын древнего рода японских кондитеров, переехал, чтобы открыть свой собственный магазин La Soleil в качестве кондитерск...
A mature slice of death and adventure fantasy otome visual novel that begins at the bad ending.
Фантастический визуальный роман, наполненный магией, феями и девушкой-призраком. Когда Мэдди и ее лучшая подруга Тара отправляются в отдаленную лесную деревню, чтобы расследовать с...
Sakura Succubus - это непристойный визуальный роман о создании гарема сексуальных суккубов. С милым кумиром, властной бизнесвумен и звездой социальных сетей недостатка в женщинах,...
Royal Order is a LGBT+ historical fantasy Visual Novel featuring survival stats-raising elements, magic and court intrigue. Keep the main characters alive through the story by imp...
Toki no Kizuna: Sekigahara Kitan is an otome game developed by Design Factory and Otomate. It was released on July 19, 2012 for Playstation Portable, and it is said to be the prequ...
This game is based on the Chaos Lineage Drama CD series. When the church bell rings, new “gears (fate)” set into motion—. A world where there are only 13 vampires and you, the “Le...
Restricted to an abandoned mansion on the outskirts of London in fulfillment of a promise to her father, lonely Cardia lives day to day isolated from the world. Her body carries a...
Fleeting, yet beautiful. The world of darkness — The main protagonist, Cloe (name changeable) lived in a secluded town. Surrounded by wire fences, it felt like she was trapped ins...
Bloody Call is an Otome game developed by Icing Candy.
Давным-давно девочка, ее любимая собака и трое спутников отправились в путешествие, чтобы встретиться с великим волшебником, который мог исполнять их желания. Но что, если бы девуш...
Charm Studies is a lo-fi picross game about young witches studying magic. You play as Cassia, an airheaded girl who's currently failing charms class... Luckily, Senna has agreed to...
ToA: Seasons Of The Wolf - это RPG, действие которой разворачивается в том же мире, что и у принцессы Амазонок Лорен. Романтика все еще присутствует, но игра обеспечивает гораздо л...
The original Norn9 game. The game features three protagonists you can choose with three love interests for each. All characters are voiced. Within an old-fashioned town, much like...
Spade no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Black World is the ninth installment in the Heart no Kuni no Alice series. It was announced on June 1st, 2019. It is being released by Otomate. Ot...
Meiji Tokyo Renka is a Japanese visual novel produced by Mages, with character design and art provided by Karu. The series follows Mei Ayazuki, a high school girl who is sent back...
This raising simulation follows Xero, a great hero of Lairland, and the mysterious holy woman Chilia. Over four in-game years together, Xero helps Chilia to blossom into her own pe...
The Arcana is a luxurious and interactive visual story and otome inspired dating sim. It also offers a variety of mystic Tarot readings from your choice of favorite characters. You...
Angelique Tenkuu no Requiem is the first Neoromance role-playing game. Canonically this game is the direct sequel to Angelique Special 2 and Angelique Maren no Rokukishi. Ruby Par...
Fandisc for Ayakashi Gohan. The game takes place after the first game and focuses on Rin’s senior year of high school and her path to going to college and growing up.