Death Gate (1994)
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Death Gate (1994)

Death Gate is a classic adventure game from the much revered Legend Entertainment. The studio is known for developing games that include exceptionally well crafted puzzles and a wacky sense of humor which frequently breaks the fourth wall and plays to a wide assortment of offbeat puns. Moreover, the company has emerged with a winning streak of fantasy and sci-fi games based on popular literature adaptations. The most famous of these are Frederick Pohl's Gateway and Terry Brooks' Shannara. In 19... развернуть


The story of Death Gate adapted for the game begins in ancient times. Years ago, Earth was an arena of war between 2 races of superior wizards battling for leadership of the world. The Sartan, who base their skills on knowledge, claimed to want to only bring peace and to protect all beings from aggression. The Patryn, who live their lives by instinct, wanted to achieve freedom from any restraint and pursued self-realization at any cost. "Magic is in our blood,” both races said about themselves. Truly, their magic potential gave them the power to reshape the world. There were other races that inhabited the Earth: Elves, Dwarves, and Humans, deprecatingly called as the mensch by the Sartan and Patryn. Because they did not stand a chance in a fight for their own independency, they accepted the roles of servants in the battles of the more powerful. The conflict lasted centuries. Ultimately, the loosing Sartan decided in desperation to bring a risky plan into life. With the help of Dwarven... развернуть

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DOS 31.12.1994





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