Darkwood (1992)
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Darkwood (1992)

Дата выхода: 31 декабря 1992
Жанры РПГ, Фэнтези, Инди
Платформы Mac

An old RPG for classic macs. Nothing much to it, you go into an arena and fight monsters.


Darkwood is a moderately sized city in the northern regions. The city has no walls or obvious defenses, but is one of the safest cities in the realms thanks to a powerful City Guard. Those enlisting in the City Guard must prove themselves before being admitted. Some seek adventure in the neighboring lands or seek out some lost treasure. The most popular by far however is the arena located in town. In the arena, anyone can pit their skill against a selected foe and earn gold and fortune in doing so.

This is where you come in. Your name is Derek, and until now your only claim to fame is picking pebbles from horseshoes at the local stables. Your mother recently passed away and your father was killed 2 seasons ago defending the town against an Orc invasion. You have been working the streets ever since, trying to make a living. You realize that you cannot go on in this fashion. You must make something of yourself. You must sign on at the arena and earn a place in the City Guard... развернуть

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Даты выхода

Mac 31.12.1992



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