This game is based entirely on the first Star Wars movie, Episode IV: A New Hope. The opening of the game features an animated cinematic of the opening scene of the film. After tha...
In Blackthorne, players take on the role of Kyle Blackthorne, a lethal commando equipped with brute strength, animal cunning, and a mysterious past that he has just begun to rememb...
Compared to the Super Nintendo version, this version has different level designs among other differences.
Super Mario Land 2: 6 золотых монет - это платформер для Game Boy и продолжение Super Mario Land. Это также знаменует дебют самопровозглашенного главного соперника Марио Варио, кот...
International Superstar Soccer Deluxe - футбольная видеоигра, продолжение игры International Superstar Soccer.
In early Japan, a man named Shiro Tokisada Amakusa preaches a heretic religion. Little does anyone know that Amakusa is really a servant of the evil Ambrosia, who took over Amakusa...
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is the first of the series to be based on the action/RPG structure of Castlevania:Symphony of the Night rather than the level-based action style of...
Путешествуйте по различным районам и фотографируйте различные виды покемонов, открывая их секреты. Сделайте идеальный кадр, чтобы получить бонусные очки от профессора Оука, чтобы р...
There are two tables in the game, red and blue. Each table has its own details and gameplay elements. Each table has different locations that you play, which determine which Pokém...
В режиме стадиона игры один игрок участвует в 80 различных сражениях, разделенных на четыре турнира. Пройдите стадионный режим, и вас ждет бонусная битва с непревзойденным воином-п...
As a student of Astral the wizard, you and your friends study all the usual subjects: reading, writing, and sword fighting. As your time at school draws to an end, dark events are...
Omega Warp is a 2D sci-fi themed action-adventure, which takes place aboard an interstellar freighter. Explore, upgrade your skills and equipment, and uncover the mysteries surroun...
F-Zero is set in the year 2560, when humanity's multiple encounters with alien life forms had resulted in the expansion of Earth's social framework. This led to commercial, technol...
This game is based on the movie Toy Story. It sets you as the character of Woody as you jump, swing and drive to the end of each level. Each level contains familiar scenes from the...
Soldiers of Fortune (Chaos Engine in the EU) is a run-and-gun overhead shooter. Sixteen levels (in four groups of four) await the players in the game. The basic gameplay is in an o...
Kirby returns and has joined forces with new friends in this thrilling sequel! The Rainbow Bridges that connect the seven Rainbow Islands have disappeared! Help Kirby solve the my...
Copycat is a narrative-driven game that explores loneliness and belonging. It follows the story of Dawn, a hell-no-to-home-brand, pampered indoor cat living her best nine lives - u...
Ocolast is a parody horror game based on Outlast and the gay pornographic movie 'Ursos Grandes, Peludos e Mansos', which has since been considered 'one of the most reverberated mem...
Mario and the gang are back for another round of Bowser-bashin' party action! Watch as your favorite Nintendo characters don different duds for each of the five all-new Adventure B...
Raiden consists of eight vertical scrolling missions where the player maneuvers the Raiden craft dodging and destroying enemy robots, buildings, ground targets, and aircraft. There...
Луиджи выходит из тени своего брата Марио в мрачные тени дома с привидениями в этой своей первой в истории главной роли. Когда Луиджи узнает, что он гордый новый владелец жуткого с...
ToeJam & Earl - это поисковик подземелий начала 1990-х годов. В игре представлены два инопланетных рэпера, которые совершили аварийную посадку на Земле и пародируют городскую культ...
The game pits four racers against each other, with up to two of them being player-controlled and the rest being AI opponents. Each race consists of four laps around tracks viewed f...
The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages и The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons представляют собой вершину классического 2D-геймплея Zelda. При совместной игре эти две игры предлагаю...
Gameplay is similar to the original Phantasy Star, the first game in the series. Its battle system is turn-based, allowing the player to choose commands for their party of up to fo...
Главной особенностью игры является сам турнир Кубка мира, в котором игрок может использовать как реальные группы, участвовавшие в финале, так и группы, составленные из случайного н...
From Wikipedia: Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1992. It is the sequel the original Star Wars for the NES. This...
By the year 2049, Earth has been turned into a toxic waste dump. Humankind has fled into space leaving behind an army of mechanized “Orbots” to clean up the mess. But when the Orbo...