The game starts with Evelyn Mcguire ( who escaped in the earlier game) with Wallis in a helicopter heading for Safe Haven, looking for signs of life. A missile unexpectedly hits the chopper, forcing it to go down, and they crash in the middle of Safe Haven.
She wakes up finding Wallis missing, and meets Blunt, a civilian who was unknowingly wounded by the explosion, who mentions that he did not see the pilot. They enter the Safe Haven monorail and leave.
Evelyn picks up survivors, supplies and sets up satellites with survivors throughout the game. Bonus crates and ammo crates can be found anywhere in the missions. Bonus crates(up to 2 or 3 per mission) can hold XP and/or money which are common; grenades, medkits, beacon grenades and power ups are usually obtained when you have one available or bought consumables. Ammo crates appear once in every mission and can be used to resupply Evelyn's guns.
Evelyn later meets Dr. Crane, who seems to be...