In the Action RPG, Bound By Blades, the desolate land of Ashmyr has become overwhelmed by bloodthirsty beasts. Scavenge materials, forge gear, and fortify yourself to confront the...
I am Justin Thompson otherwise known as Zeth, the main developer along with an amazing team of freelancers to pull together my dream project, Bound by Blades. With 7 years of experience in the game industry from QA, Game Design, and Game Direction, I am using all of it to lead my team to create an amazing game. I learned programming and began development alone, while along the way building a passionate and talented team to craft the beautiful world that it has today. Technically I am a solo developer but I work with Freelancers. I also do regular platest with the community on Discord - it’s a very community driven project where feature requests and feedback from the users is highly appreciated.
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