Samurai Shodown V brings back the classic side-scrolling action with a completely new storyline, new characters and new moves. A samurai's quest to prove himself against the Shogun...
Arcana Heart was released on PlayStation 2 in Japan by AQ Interactive, featuring the option of playing characters in their Original or Full modes, reflecting the original and patch...
A chess simulator that boasts the best chess AI on any game machine for its time of release.
The Bishoujou Simulation RPG is a Strategy game, developed by Yuki and published by D3 Publisher, which was released in Japan in 2003.
Among other series changes, aerial blocking was removed entirely, and the switch-around move, which enabled a player to shift quickly behind the other's back, as well as the dodge...
Ultimate Mind Games is a collection of mini games that can either be played in story mode or individually.
Jarinko Chie - The Hanafuda is a hanafuda game based on the anime Jarinko Chie featuring a complete tutorial and a story and free modes.
Simple 2000 Series Vol.001 - The Table Board that features different games: Mahjong, Igo, Go, Reversi, Hanafuda, card games, etc. The game also features another mode in which the p...
Simple 1500 Series vol. 43: The Hanafuda 2 is the second hanafuda game in the Simple 1500 series and also features a character creation mode in which the player can customize his c...
The Chess is a chess game featuring different difficulty levels (From beginner to advanced), 8 different kind of opponents and different game modes, 2D & 3D boards, 3 boards, and 3...
Tsuushin Taisen Mahjong Touryuumon is a Mahjong game based on Yuki's arcade hit game.
The future of your daughter depends on how you raise her.
Simple 1500 Series vol. 41: Reversi 2 is a reversi game that features a character creation mode in which the player can customize his character appearence (hair, eyes, face, etc) a...
Simple 1500 Series Vol. 42: The Igo 2 is the second igo game in the Simple 1500 series and also features a character creation mode in which the player can customize his character a...
The Kiryoku Kentei is a igo game featuring different difficulty levels (From beginner to advanced) and different game modes (Story mode, free mode, etc). The game also features a c...
Dokonjou Gaeru - The Mahjong is a mahjong game based on the manga series Dokonjou Gaeru and featuring a complete tutorial and a story and free modes.
An ordained meeting of 28 fierce warriors begins, to precede a series of duels to the death. These individuals entrust their fates to their skill and their weapons. For those not u...