Embark on a journey through time and challenge in Soulbound, an MMORPG Extraction Roguelike that melds a captivating pixel art world with a narrative that bends the very concept of...
Based in the vibrant heart of London, Webb Technology is a dynamic gaming studio with a talented team of over 40 members spread across the globe. We're on an ambitious quest to redefine the MMORPG landscape with our groundbreaking browser-based game.
Imagine a world where pixel art meets innovation: our MMORPG is a unique fusion of roguelike combat mechanics with meta-progression, creating an intense, ever-evolving challenge. The overworld is rich in RPG elements, brought to life with AI-powered features, providing players with an immersive, ever-changing experience.
Our mission? To craft a world that's not just a playground, but a canvas. Here, players have the power to shape the narrative and the environment. This isn't a story written by us; it's an odyssey written by every player's decisions, where the world grows and evolves with each action.
Join us in creating a universe where your choices matter, and your impact is tangible.
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