A 2D action-platforming game that begins in a mystical representation of feudal Japan but travels all over time. It was originally released on European home computers, though the 1...
Street Racer is a kart racing game similar to Super Mario Kart. Up to four players can play by split-screen. If there are no human opponents, the player can drive against seven co...
At the end of First Samurai, the Demon King was able to flee back in time to ancient Japan, so our hero follows him back in time, and has 10 levels awaiting him. Unlike the origina...
In this game players take control of cars that take the shape of different animals. The game itself takes the role as a combat racing game as it features weapons to use against you...
Hammerfist is a side-scrolling beat 'em up video game developed by Vivid Image and released in 1990 for the Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, Amstrad CPC and ZX Spectrum.