Inspired by the animated film, Cars 2 lets players jump into the Cars 2 universe with some of their favorite Cars personalities in exotic locations around the globe. Continuing the...
Bugs Bunny & Co. go to Mars to compete in the zany Galactic Sports event.
A game based on the spanish feature film Torrente: El Brazo Tonto de la Ley (Torrente: The Dumb Arm of the Law). The game follows the adventures of officer Torrente, a fascist, sex...
A video game based on the Spanish film of the same name by Santiago Segura.
Design clothes and dress up models all over the world.
Play as a young fashion designer starting a career in a famous fashion agency in New York City. Discover the glamorous world of fashion and create trendy designs to become the hipp...
You are a designer for the Princess Factory, a brand new fashion design studio in New York. Keep your ears and eyes wide open to the next hot trends to create successful collection...
Take control of Disney's Phineas and Ferb and rescue the city of Danville from a marauding army of… household appliances? That could only mean one thing, right?
Design the Hottest Fashions on TV! Star in a reality TV show and compete through a series of challenges to show the world that you are the best young fashion designer! Play with...
The fun never ends with over 30 mini-games of cooking challenges, offering a wide variety of gameplay: grill, cook, bake, cut, roll in numerous recipes from the world's best cuisin...
Geronimo Stilton, editor-in-chief of The Rodent’s Gazette, never thought he’d return to the Kingdom of Fantasy. But when the Queen of the Fairies sent him a letter asking for his h...
Meet Geronimo Stilton, editor of the Rodent’s Gazette, the most important newspaper in New Mouse City. Join Geronimo Stilton on a colourful quest through the Kingdom of Fantasy as...
Rafa Nadal Tennis will give players the chance to develop an illustrious tennis career. The game's single player Career Mode enables gamers to rise through the ranks of professiona...