Chaos Control, a super-production designed entirely on Silicon Graphics, takes you to the heart of a fantastic epic that blends cyberculture, virtual travel and manga graphics. At...
Blam! Machinehead, known in the US as Machine Head, is an action shooting game developed by Core Design and published by Virgin Interactive for the Sega Saturn, MS-DOS, and PlaySta...
The Mask is based on the movie with the same name. The story follows poor guy Stanley Ipkiss who finds a mysterious mask and is given mysterious powers from it.. As in the movie,...
The Ghen War is first person shooter where you pilot a mech-like suit and traverse a multitude of environments to destroy every Ghen alien who turned on you and the rest of your hu...
A ground-based shoot-em-up by design, the game employs the use of jumping, banking, and strafing as you move forward through 3D tube-like levels. The game is seem from a third-pers...
Kyle Petty's No Fear Racing lets the player race on 28 different stock car tracks and choose from a bevy of customizable cars, each with their own appearances, strengths and weakne...
CrimeWave takes place in the fictional futuristic city of Mekeo, plagued by rampant crime and chaos. To combat this crimewave, the corrupt mayor has privatized the city's police fo...
Sometime in the 21st century, the metropolis known as Zeus Heaven Magic City has made a miraculous recovery from the fires of a nuclear World War III. In order for you to survive...
Inazuma Serve Da!! Super Beach Volley (It's a Lightning Serve!! Super Beach Volley) is a 2D volleyball game from Virgin Interactive Entertainment that was released exclusively in J...
Gekirindan is a vertical shoot-'em-up by Taito where players select one of three different fighters against an army of mechs through different time periods.
A 1994 casino gambling game for the Super Famicom. The stylish Mr. Dynamite must defeat the Las Vegas Dragon by making a lot of money at the craps tables.
Shogi Zanmai is a Miscellaneous game, published by Virgin Interactive, which was released in Japan in 1995.
Janyuuki Goku Randa is a Miscellaneous game, published by Virgin Interactive, which was released in Japan in 1995.
You can choose a car that cooperation with Mitsubishi, Isuzu etc. automaker, played in a real Dakar rally. Not only compete with the speed that is determined in the course, there i...