The Switch version, titled Dies irae: Amantes Amentes for Nintendo Switch, inclues the additional scenario “Saoshyant Desatile: The Savior Who Became God,” which is a prequel to th...
A Japan-only PlayStation Portable visual novel, ported from the original R.U.R.U.R. The game is known for its use of established science fiction elements in its story, along with n...
Ночь за ночью один и тот же сон о гильотине. Серийный убийца, охотящийся за головами. И рыцари в черном, которые вскоре последуют за ними. Иррациональность, которая бросает вызов ц...
Ren Fujii, a young man attending high school in Suwahara City, finds his friendship with his old buddy Shirou Yusa shatter to pieces following a certain incident, ending in a vicio...
Ren Fujii, a young man attending high school in Suwahara City, finds his friendship with his old buddy Shirou Yusa shatter to pieces following a certain incident, ending in a vicio...