Eye of the Beholder is an all 3-D, Legend Series computer role-playing adventure based on the popular Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition rules and on an original story created...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an action-platform game. It is based on the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series which began airing in late 1987.
Each computer athlete has a fictional name and nationality (choosing from UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, USA, Japan and the Unified Team, everyone with its own anthem snippet)...
Izzy's Adventure is an adventure game based on Izzy, the Atlanta 1996 Summer Olympics mascot, released for the PC in 1996. It is an educational adventure game and notable for being...
A bowling game simulation for up to 8 players. You can play an Open Bowling mode or a League mode and try several game difficulties. Except for an old graphics, the game is still e...
The Official America's Cup Sailing Simulation (aka Arnie's America's Cup Challenge, America's Cup Challenge) was an above-average licensed title in its time. Play against the AI or...