Primordials Legends: Hollow Hero tells the tale of Brunt, an anthropomorphic Combat Wombat on her first adventure in the fantasy world, Eridal. Embark on this epic 3rd person actio...
Toybox Games Studios is an indie games developer based in Melbourne, Australia. Our studio is composed of a group of ambitious creatives who seek to deliver high-quality gameplay-driven experiences. We are a skilled professional team with decades of collective experience and connections all over the world.
We believe games as a medium have the potential for deep, rich, and expansive storytelling, in a way that no other media can. We want to inspire players, with deep, complex characters, and give them worlds to explore that are filled with unforgettable biomes, creatures, and gameplay.
We are committed to greatness and are resolute in our craft, developing extraordinary experiences that immerse players from all walks of life. Together, we sow seeds of possibility and march forward towards a bright and exciting future.
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