A collaboration with video game studio Ninja Theory, it is a horror title set shortly after the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, where a demon had been unleashed after an a...
A tie-in to the film Jumanji: The Next Level. You play as the title characters of the film in an original storyline voiced by Kevin Hart, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, and Karen Gill...
Assemble alongside Earth's Mightiest Heroes in Avengers: Damage Control, an all-new virtual reality adventure from Marvel Studios and ILMxLAB. Shuri has recruited your team of four...
Originally a tie-in to the Ghostbusters reboot film, it featured the ability for visitors to participate in a hyper-reality ghost-hunting mission. It was produced and developed by...
Under the orders of the budding rebellion, your team will travel to the molten planet of Mustafar. Your mission is to recover Imperial intelligence vital to the rebellion’s surviva...