In the near future, Earth will be struck by a series of global disasters, bringing ecosystems around the world to the verge of collapse. Become Joanna Dark, dataDyne’s elite agent...
At E3 2018, Xbox Game Studios head Phil Spencer announced the formation of The Initiative, a new internal video game development company led by Darrell Gallagher, who had previously served as studio head of Crystal Dynamics. It is Microsoft's first game development studio in Santa Monica. At its formation, it aimed to create and produce big-budget titles. In addition to Gallagher, the studio recruited several industry veterans, including Christian Cantamessa (writer of Red Dead Redemption) and Brian Westergaard (senior producer of 2018's God of War), as well as talents from BioWare, Naughty Dog, Respawn Entertainment, Santa Monica Studio, Blizzard Entertainment, Insomniac Games and Rockstar Games.
At The Game Awards 2020, it was revealed that the studio is working on a Perfect Dark reboot.
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