In this platformer, the player has to guide Henry through the numerous rooms of his house. Each room is a screen-sized level filled with deadly household-items such as toothbrushes...
Knight Games 2: Space Trilogy is the sequel to Knight Games. Set in the year 3002, it consists of three different futuristic games: Combat Robot, In Orbit and Final Tournament....
A side-scrolling action game set in the year 3897. The player is assigned the task of saving the planet of Octapolis from the evil Galactic Imperium.
A medieval multi-event competition.
Leviathan is an isometric shooter game in which the player must fly a space ship and destroy flying enemies and their defense stations. There are three levels to complete, each wit...
Chop Suey is a martial arts fighting game developed by Adam Billyard for the Atari 8-bit family. It was published in 1985 by English Software. Antic Software published the game in...