In this platformer, the player has to guide Henry through the numerous rooms of his house. Each room is a screen-sized level filled with deadly household-items such as toothbrushes...
Knight Games 2: Space Trilogy is the sequel to Knight Games. Set in the year 3002, it consists of three different futuristic games: Combat Robot, In Orbit and Final Tournament....
A side-scrolling action game set in the year 3897. The player is assigned the task of saving the planet of Octapolis from the evil Galactic Imperium.
Leviathan is an isometric shooter game in which the player must fly a space ship and destroy flying enemies and their defense stations. There are three levels to complete, each wit...
A medieval multi-event competition.
Chop Suey is a martial arts fighting game developed by Adam Billyard for the Atari 8-bit family. It was published in 1985 by English Software. Antic Software published the game in...