Galaxy is a Galaga variant that builds on the ideas explored in the Commodore PET game Galaga, an earlier unlicensed take on the coin-up game by Henrik Wening. Players move a space...
Andromeda Conquest is a strategy / conquest game in which one to four players build galactic empires by establishing and defending space colonies, managing resources, and battling...
Telengard is an earlier example of a dungeon crawler role-playing game--albeit with a top-down view- with either real time movement (DOS version) or turn-based movement and turn ba...
This is a racquetball-like game that is best described as a 3D variation of Breakout. You are at the end on a rectangular room. On the other end is a wall made of bricks or blocks...
Set in the 1600s, Fire and the Sword brings the medieval Mount and Blade games into an era of new technology and conflicts, while retaining its open world RPG gameplay.
The time is the late 20th century. You and a neighboring country have developed a nuclear capability. Your neighbor's sole objective is to utterly annihilate you. As the tension mo...
B-1 Nuclear Bomber is a Simulation game, developed by Microcomputer Games Inc. and published by Avalon Hill, which was released in 1983.
A run through the city and beat up all the bad guys game. Judy has been kidnapped by the crime syndicate and Frank, Chris a female and Alfred must save her. Players use the joystic...
The Dnieper River Line is a fictionalized engagement between German and Russian forces in the Southern Ukraine in late 1943. As the Germans you are challenged to repel Russian effo...
BREAKTHRU is a fast-action, 3-dimenional, high-res graphics, machine-language arcade game for the Commodore 64©. More than just a game, realistic sounds and graohics are use to giv...
Voyager is a first-person action game that challenges the player to explore the levels of an alien spacecraft's maze. The environments consist of corridors and rooms done with 3D v...
During World War II, German bombs turned daily existence in London into a nightmare. Hoping to undermine the strong spirit of the British, every night the Germans dropped bombs on...
As Professor Arabesque you have been sent by a secret society to eliminate the influence of the Skull of Doom. There are over 1000 random game variations and ten skill levels.
In this text adventure it is the player's goal to reach the red planet that gloomily hangs above its alter ego's head. Contrary to most text adventures of its time the player does...
In the summer of 1940, a Reich meant to last a Thousand Years confronted an Empire Upon Which the Sun Did Not Set. One magnificent weapon, first conceived as a private venture in 1...
Based on Avalon Hill's board game of the same name, Kingmaker is a strategy game set during the War of the Roses period of medieval England. You can play either York, or Lancaster,...
Cavewars is a turn based strategy game that combines elements of several different games of its era. The turn based strategy element mirrors that of Heroes of Might and Magic while...
Break through the flat habit and experience a new dimension in video games. Play with the speed, control, and skill of handball, but without leaving home. Start slow or start fast,...
As the name suggests, this game brings to the personal computer one of the earliest concepts to appear on arcade and dedicated console game screens: a tank duel. Players look down...
Takes place in 1900 with some famous and fictional characters like Sherlock Holmes, Madame Curie and Florence Nightingale.
You have been sent to deliver a message. Suddenly, you run into the giant ship IT. IT doesn't want that message to get to the Galactic Emperor. You must destroy all three power gen...
A sci-fi game which includes a mix of maze puzzles and side-scrolling action.
A computer wargame released on DOS and Mac in 1995. It simulates the infamous battle of Stalingrad and contains several different scenarios. It is the second game of the World at W...
A computer wargame released on DOS and Mac in 1994. It takes place during World War II and the players can choose between being an Ally or being a member of the Axis. It is the fir...
A computer wargame released on DOS in 1995. It is a complete simulation of the D-Day. D-Day: America Invades is the third and the final game of the World at War series.