Nobunaga's Ambition, the first of the series, was released in 1983. Players assume the mantle of either Nobunaga Oda or Shingen Takeda and strive to conquer the entire land (17 are...
Ninja Gaiden Sigma, стилизованная под Ninja Gaiden Σ, представляет собой приключенческую игру, разработанную Team Ninja для PlayStation 3. Это улучшенный порт Ninja Gaiden, первона...
The Ninja Ryu is back to avenge the death of his father, and stop the Evil Ashtar. A year has passed since Ryu last faced his arch enemy, and still the activity down at the bottom...
The Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history is the setting for this strategic war game. Select one of 38 leaders and guide your people to power by military or diplomatic means in an...
In the first Uncharted Waters game, it was the 15th century and the New World was discovered. Now in New Horizons, it is the early 16th century and the age of exploration and sea t...
Solomon's Key is a puzzle game developed by Tecmo in 1986 for arcade release on custom hardware based on the Z80 chipset. The game is generally recognized as one of the most diffic...
A side-scrolling, four-player American football game that can be played as two-on-two, one-on-two, etc. The game is somewhat primitive in that there is no play pattern selection; o...
Experience the original adventure of Ryu Hayabusa, the shadow warrior, in this acclaimed and challenging action-platformer from the NES era!
Champion Jockey: G1 Jockey & Gallop Racer is the newest horse racing simulation title from Koei-Tecmo. While not the first title to do so, the game combines creative input from the...
A platform game where the main character travels throughout various levels collecting bombs. The hero of the game, Jack, must make his way through 16 levels of a pyramid in order t...
The newer re-releases of the NES version of Tecmo Bowl doesn't have the NFL Players Association license, so it the intro removed and changes to the roster. It is based on the Famic...
Battle or diplomacy? Swords or sanctions? As the ruler of a warring state in the turbulent feudal period of Japanese history, your decisions will sway the course of a nation.
A remastered version of the original Atelier Marie Plus, released with the Digital Deluxe Upgrade Pack with upgrade graphics and, for the first time, worldwide. It is accessible fr...
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round is a fighting game developed. It is the third updated version of the 2012 game Dead or Alive 5, following the 2013 games Dead or Alive 5 Plus and Dead or...