The Suffering captures the disturbing and terrifying nature of the horror genre in a compelling third-person action/adventure game set in the mature and gritty world of a maximum-s...
The Suffering: Ties That Bind follows in the footsteps of its predecessor by combining a disturbing horror atmosphere with action/shooter gameplay. Players can switch between third...
J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth is a land of beauty, magic, and darkness. In The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, you follow Tolkien's narrative from the Shire to the h...
Много веков назад человечество и драконы сражались друг с другом, и правил хаос. Спустя много лет конфликт подошел к концу, когда был создан Орден Пламени, объединивший людей и дра...
After the dragon rider Rynn returns to her home village, she finds it destroyed, and all its inhabitants massacred. Her dragon, Arokh, tells her that he hears a voice that calls th...